A Gutsy Dominican Artist Stands Up to Sexual Abuse and Reclaims Her Power: Uzumaki Cepeda

A Gutsy Dominican Artist Stands Up to Sexual Abuse and Reclaims Her Power: Uzumaki Cepeda

CW: child sexual abuse

An incredible woman featured on the new series of the What’s Underneath Project:

“Uzumaki Cepeda is not defined by the sexual abuse she experienced as a child. Instead, she channels her trauma into creating literal safe spaces and installations dedicated to helping heal herself and others. Growing up in a Dominican community, Uzumaki had to unlearn whitewashing and programming around what makes a woman beautiful. Through stripping to survive, she found a renewed sense of empowerment and love for her body. But when stripping took up too much of her time, she left that life and risked it all to follow her instincts and become an artist.” (Stylelikeu 2019)

Image used by Redgi Woods

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