Catriona talks to fellow survivor Kevin Marshall about being abused as a child, and why the taboo of sexual abuse in the black community stopped him from talking about it.

Kevin tells Catriona about how the birth of his son convinced him to write a book, specifically for parents in the black community, about how to see the signs of abuse.

Catriona talks to Nyala Moon about being raped by a man she was dating, who attempted to force her into sex work.

She talks about what it was like to write a letter to her vagina for a book, titled Written on the Body: Letters from Trans and Non-Binary Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence.

Catriona talks to fellow survivor Leo about what happened when they were assaulted on two occasions while exploring BDSM. Leo – who identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns – isn’t their real name. But for personal reasons they’ve chosen to be anonymous.

Catriona talks to fellow survivor Moya about what happened when she was groomed and assaulted as a 13-year-old. Like Catriona, it wasn’t until she was in her late teens that Moya realised that what she had gone through was abuse.