The Sound of The Resting Bitch Face

The Sound of The Resting Bitch Face

CN: PTSD, street-harassment

Part of my Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms consists of world-hating (or patriarchy hating) that leads to increased feelings of anxiety and irritability, and an avoidance of going outside when I can't face the noise. This symptom is not helped by the fact I live on a busy London road, and I'm sure many of us are familiar with the cat calls from men telling us to 'smile' as we are trying to go about our day. As a defence mechanism, my demeanour when I am alone in public has become deadpan and distant, what some may categorise as the the 'Resting Bitch Face', in an effort to deter the objectifying eyes of strangers. 

I created this playlist last year, comprised of angry adrenaline-filled songs by strong women/queer fronted musicians, to remind myself of the strength I hold within myself that can be validated by the deafening power within these songs. These songs help me to rise above the reminders of hate that are spoken at us from the men outside the pub down the road. They keep me company (albeit with only one earbud in because creeps) when I have to walk home alone at night. They let me know it is okay to be angry at the world for it's cruelty, and reassure me that there are people out there fighting the good fight through the arts they love. 

A playlist featuring Princess Nokia, Wolf Alice, Cherry Glazerr, and others

Self Care Playlist

Self Care Playlist