Podcast: The Left Ear

Podcast: The Left Ear

I wanted to share a new podcast from Spoke Media and Dakota Johnson, called The Left Ear. The show tells stories of abuse, assault, and harassment, recounted firsthand by the people who experienced it and survived. The goal is to encourage a practice of non-judgmental listening, and create a space of refuge and healing for the survivors.

Like my own podcast ‘After’ on BBC Sounds, the idea of The Left Ear is to create a community for survivors to feel heard and believed. Dakota opened her voicemail inbox to anyone who wanted to share their story and collected survivors stories from across the globe. The stories can be a hard listen, so listen with your self care in mind, but they are so important.

You can check it out at theleftear.com, or in your favorite podcast app.

The resources page https://www.theleftear.com/resources also includes some super helpful tips for listening!

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Run Like Rivers by Asléane

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