Remembering Trauma

This anonymous contributor shares with us a powerful, insightful prose on the concept of recovered traumatic memories that can never be completely confirmed or denied. They ultimately bring us to a fluid, open and comforting conclusion of validation and peace.

Art by Marianne Claire Bailon - @deadandrad

Seven Years

Seven Years responds to the idea that our skin cells are replaced every seven years and this is a body trying to navigate both the trauma of unwanted touch and a world that is not focused on supporting victims.

Janet's Letter

I am here for me. I have a voice now. I don’t need anyone to rescue me. I have people that accept me and care for me and love me, and who I accept and care for and love. I sometimes forget all of that, but I have tools to help me remember. You aren’t the last word in my life. You aren’t even any words in my life anymore. You are just a ghost and you can’t hurt me anymore.

White People: Listen Up

Anti-racism is a never-ending project. We must always strive to be anti-racist in our life and work. Stand up for Black and Brown people in your life and all around you.

Black people have been fighting for freedom for hundreds of years, from when they were first kidnapped from Africa by the British and enslaved in the new USA. None of our histories are innocent. Try to change that, be on the right side of history.


Speak out and seek support

Sophie shares with us what happened to her three years ago. She reminds us “ just because you went home with someone it does not mean that is consent and I cannot stress enough how important it is to reach out if you need help and have experienced something similar.”